War of the Ring Rule Book
War of the Ring Trays & Tools
Set of 3 trays. The infantry trays measure 110mm wide by 60mm deep. Each base cutout measures 26mm circle and can accept both 25mm and 1 inch circle-based miniatures. The cavalry trays measure 90mm wide by 50mm deep for a standard GW 40mm circle based cavalry miniature. Each tray includes a base plate and top of 3mm thick plywood for a total thickness of 6mm. This thickness makes them easy to move and handle, saving you from handling your painted miniatures. The base cutouts are cut with extra space to allow for all varieties of 40mm circle bases. The trays are supplied preassembled and glued together, ready for painting and finishing.Dice
Gondor & Arnor Army Miniatures
- Gondor & Arnor Common Formations
- Minas Tirith Warriors, Minas Tirith Archers, Minas Tirith Knights, Rangers of Gondor, Numenorean Warriors, Numenorean Archers, Warriors of Arnor, Rangers of Arnor, Citadel Guard, Men-at-Arms of Dol Amroth, Foot Knights of Dol Amroth, and Knights of Dol Amroth.
- Gondor & Arnor Rare Formations
- Guards of the Fountain Court, Avenger Bolt Thrower, Battlecry Trebuchet, Warriors of the Dead, Riders of the Dead, Axemen of Lossarnach, and Clansmen of Lamedon.
- Gondor & Arnor Legendary Formations
- Rangers of Ithilien, Denethor's Guard, Osgiliath Veterans, Court of the Dead, Dunedain of Arnor, The Grey Company, Royal Guard of Arnor, Warden of the Keys, and Blackroot Vale Archers.
- Gondor & Arnor Epic Heroes
- Aragorn Isildur's Heir, Aragorn King Elessar, Boromir Captain of the White Tower, Faramir Captain of Ithilien, Faramir Captain of Gondor, Peregrin Took Guard of the Citadel, Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, High King Elendil, and Isildur.
The Kingdom of Rohan Army Miniatures
Coming Soon!
The Elven Kingdoms Army Miniatures
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The Dwarf Holds Army Miniatures
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The City of Dale Army Miniatures
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The Forgotten Kingdoms Army Miniatures
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Mordor Army Miniatures
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The Fortress of Isengard Army Miniatures
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The Misty Mountains (Moria) Army Miniatures
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The Fallen Realms Army Miniatures
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Angmar Army Miniatures
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