Thursday, April 7, 2016

Updates and Extensions to the Rules for Fates - Faltering Nerve, Sigil of the Fallen Kings, & The Crown of Carn Dum [Part 12/24]

Here are the next set of Fates for Evil Armies.

I particularly like the changes that have been made to the Sigil of Fallen Kings. This makes this Fate a lot more useful in the sense that it is persistent through the entire game (even if the original owning formation is destroyed). The other changes allow for more clarification of the rules, as well.

One that was necessary was the special rule for the Crown. It had mentioned that the Hero suffers automatic hits ... but this didn't make sense since it would just be discounted by their Resilience - so it was changed to the Hero's formation that takes the automatic hits. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

  1. Athelas, Indomnitable Defiance, & Seat of Ancient Power [Part 1/24]
  2. Orcbane Weapons, Manbane Weapons, Goblinbane Weapons, & Elfbane Weapons [Part 2/24]
  3. Spiritbane Weapons, Hobbitbane Weapons, Dwarfbane Weapons, & Trollbane Weapons [Part 3/24]
  4. Dragonbane Weapons, Wargbane Weapons, Cavalrybane Weapons, & Monsterbane Weapons [Part 4/24]
  5. Steeds of Pure Blood, Fate Smiles Upon You, Galadhrim Longbows, & Hero of the Hour [Part 5/24]
  6. Mithril Coat, Untainted Palantir, Banner of the Free People, & Desperate Heroics [Part 6/24]
  7. Inner Glory, Song of Elbereth, The Blessing of Galadriel, & Wise Counsel [Part 7/24]
  8. Ancient Lore, Counter Spell, Forgotten Fortifications, Dragonslayer & Monsterslayer [Part 8/24]
  9. Magical Resistance & Blessed Grove [Part 9/24]
  1. Morgul Blades, Dark Shrine, & Entslayer [Part 10/24]
  2. Greed for Glory, Cursed Armor of Udun, Tainted Palantir, & Banner of Barad-dur [Part 11/24]
  3. Faltering Nerve, Sigil of the Fallen Kings, The Crown of Carn Dum & There Will be no Dawn [Part 12/24]
  4. There Will be no Dawn, Evil Reputation, Tormented Steeds, & Balefire Arrows [Part 13/24]
  5. Black-hearted Trees, Curse of Morgoth, Tokens of Terror, & Haunted Wasteland [Part 14/24]
  6. Infestation, Watcher in the Shadows, & Ignore Pain [Part 15/24]
  7. TBD [Part 16/24]
  1. Weapon Cache: Bows and Weapon Cache: Pikes [Part 21/24]
  2. TBD [Part 22/24]


  1. So with your sigil of fallen kings updated rule, you could place it in a small formation of one company, get shot of the table, then pick it up with a 9 company formation and recieve the benefits? Its possibly better to make it a company can pick it up and use it? Because 30 points for a large unit with plus 2 strength (for example on urukhai warriors) would be a game changer.
    Also, it doesnt specify that only an evil army formation can pick it up, although it is evil aligned to begin with... it would be fun to pick it up with elves, and renew models taken by auto hits and gain the strength they desperately need lol... just thinking about the what ifs here, i would never stoop so low.

    1. Andy, You make some very good points ... I have updated it a little more to add the clarification that was intended and made it so that the strength bonus is only applied to the Command Company of the Formation instead of the entire formation - I think you are right that it would be too strong if left at the formation level ...

      The intent was to make the formation that possesses the Sigil a target and a focus point for armies (i.e., the Evil player will want to provide a second formation support to ensure that the possessor is "safe and wins the fight" and can pick it up if it is dropped the subsequent turn - to ensure that the opponent doesn't get it).
      Thank you for your input - I think that this has made this Fate even better than it was under the first update that was made!

      Thanks for reading and proving your comments!
