As for overpriced formations/models, it seems like the set that causes major discussions usually include:
- Shelob
- Spider Queen
- Glorfindel, Lord of the West
- Castellans of Dol Guldur
- Mordor Troll Drummer
- Riders of the Dead
- Warriors of the Dead
- Court of the Dead
- Warden of the Keys
- Guards of the Galadhrim Court
- Guardians of Caras Galadhon
- Morgul Stalker Warband
- High Elf Archer Regiment
As such, these formations are rarely played in games and don't get to see their special rules come into full fruition for impacting the game strategy.
Conversely, as for underpriced formation/models, it seems like the set includes:
- The Council of Wizardry
- The White Council
- The Three Hunters
- Ents
- Eagles
- Winged Nazgul
- The Fellowship
- The Grey Company
- Gildor's Household
- Moria Prowler Warband.
As such, these formation are often employed in games and get more than their fair share of time on the field.
Taking the list of 26 formations that are solely available to Gondor & Arnor it looks like the most underpriced to most overpriced formations go in the following order:
** SOMEWHAT UNDERPRICED (about 27%) **
- The Grey Company
- Minas Tirith Warriors
- Warriors of Arnor
- Axemen of Lossarnach
- Numenorean Warriors
- Osgiliath Veterans
- Blackroot Vale Archers
- Clansmen of Lamedon
- Rangers of Ithilien
- Royal Guard of Arnor
- Minas Tirith Knights
- Rangers of Gondor
- Minas Tirith Archers
- Rangers of Arnor
- Citadel Guard
- Men-at-Arms of Dol Amroth
- Foot Knights of Dol Amroth
- Guards of the Fountain Court
- Denethor's Guard
- Dunedain of Arnor
- Numenorean Archers
- Knights of Dol Amroth
- Warriors of the Dead
- Court of the Dead
- Warden of the Keys
- Riders of the Dead
For example:
1000 Point Gondor & Arnor Army #1 - Using Underpriced Models:
Formation #1: Minas Tirith Warriors with 6 Companies
Formation #2: Minas Tirith Warriors with 6 Companies
Formation #3: Minas Tirith Warriors with 6 Companies
Formation #4: Minas Tirith Warriors with 5 Companies
Formation #5: Axemen of Lossarnach with 6 Companies
Formation #6: The Grey Company with 6 Companies
Total Cost: 1000 Points
Number of Heroes: 1
Total Might: 3
Total Model Count: 280
Average Defense: 6.3
Special Rules:
- Shields (+2 bonus to defense from front for Formations #1, 2, 3, & 4)
- Set to Receive! (+1 bonus to hit or +1 bonus to fight/cancel opponent charge bonus for Formation #5)
- Pathfinders - Master (Ignore all difficult terrain penalties for Formation #6)
- Stalwart (Not driven back by shooting attacks for Formation #6)
- Indomitable (Fight until ALL models are removed for Formation #6)
- Valour of Forgotten Arnor (Strike at the same time as cavalry for Formation #6)
- Very defensive with offensive capabilities
- Large blocks and large model count that requires the opponent to chop through
- Ballistic capabilities with Longbows
- Calvary-like capabilities
- Not much variety in the play style
- Slow moving formations
- Not many heroes
1000 Point Gondor & Arnor Army #2 - Using Overpriced Models:
Formation #1: Warriors of the Dead with 6 Companies
Formation #2: Riders of the Dead with 5 Companies
Formation #3: Court of the Dead with 6 Companies
Total Cost: 955 Points
Number of Heroes: 1
Total Might: 2
Total Model Count: 136
Average Defense: 5
Special Rules:
- Spirit Grasp (Attack against courage vs defense for all Formations)
- Spirit Walk (Ignore all terrain penalties for all Formations)
- Terror (Opponent requires courage test for all Formations)
- We Stand Alone (No Epic Heroes can join for all Formations)
- Shadowstride (50% chance of a free Heroic Move for Formation #3)
- Good against low courage armies (terror & spirit grasp)
- No required terrain navigation
- One formation could move relatively quickly
- Calvary-like capabilities
- Very few models - so going to get destroyed quickly
- Low defense
- Mostly slow moving formations
- No ballistic capabilities
- Not many heroes and others can't join
- GW WotR Unit Cost Controversy
- What About Banners and Hornblowers in Profiles?
- Legendary Formations and Their Point Costs
- The "About Face!" Errata - More Game Changing than Expected
- What Would a WotR Blog be without a Discussion of Epic Strike?!?
- Blog Introduction
- WotR Army Roster Sheet - Available for Download
- WotR Army Roster Example 1000 Point Gondor Army
- Ideas for iPad Simulator of WotR

Do you have a unit cost calculator with GSheet/Excel?