Friday, January 23, 2015

Angmar Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 10/10]

Continuing suit with Angmar Epic Heroes, let us look at the individual special rules that each of the Angmar Heroes have and determine what applicability they have to the Hero themselves, the Hero's current company, the Hero's current formation, or another target all together. Similar to what we did with the Elves, we assembled the list of special rules that each of the Angmar Epic Heroes have - we then consolidated that into a single list, and discussed the rules and their applicability (in unison - so that there is no discrepancy from character to character and now army-to-army).

Of the special rules that are "unique" to Angmar, it is interesting to note that they are mostly enemy targeting. I guess that makes sense - since evil armies are less concerned with company and formation buffing and more concerned with direct manipulation of opponents and enemy heroes.

  1. Gondor & Arnor Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 1/10]
  2. The Kingdom of Rohan Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 2/10]
  3. The Elven Kingdoms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 3/10]
  4. The Dwarf Holds Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 4/10]
  5. The Forgotten Kingdoms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 5/10]
  6. Mordor Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 6/10]
  7. The Fortress of Isengard Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 7/10]
  8. The Misty Mountains (Moria) Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 8/10]
  9. The Fallen Realms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 9/10]
  10. Angmar Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 10/10]



  1. I am working on some rules-revisions myself. Whilst I have not have had the time to peruse your blog, it still seems *very* promising. I intend to publish my PDF within the end of 2015 and might very well "borrow" ideas from you - if that happens, I will let you know so that you might accept or disallow said use.

    Regardless, I am over-excited that I found this blog of yours - WotR-players, not to mention rules-revisionists, do not come thirteen on the dozen nowadays!

    1. Thank you, Llama. I hope you can find the time in the near future to go through the remaining posts and find things that are useful and exciting. :) There is still a lot of things that I have ready to put up - and they will continue to be posted over time, so expect more regular updates. I've had a great time working on everything so far!

    2. Happy to hear tha, and I will try to find the time this weekend to go through the other postst! Also, the fact that you've had a great time working on it is exactly how it should be - after all, this is a hobby, not a job! :)
