Monday, March 23, 2015

WFMC - After 3 Weeks Continuing to Come Together… Now With Configuration Selection Capabilities [Part 3/11]

It has been another 3 weeks of squeezing in 30 minutes to 1 hour a night - literally coding myself to sleep, trying to make more progress on WFMC (WotR Formation Movement Calculator). Over that time, there has been a lot of refining happening to the core functionality - and it continues to get better-and-better. There really is a pleasure that comes with creating something from scratch and seeing it come together.


Here is what the application looked like on the 6th of March 2015. Where we left off with it from the Part 2/10 post is shown below:

To recap the state of WFMC on the 6th of March, I had created the workflow by disabling controls and then re-opening them as other controls were populated. I also had the OpenGL View displaying a generic formation of configuration 3x2 comprised of 6 companies. However, there were several controls that were hard coded (for example the number of companies) and the checkboxes that adjust move value were functional - but did not provide their bonus or penalty to the Remaining Move Value. I had set a goal to get the Formation Configuration combo box operational and use that to draw to the view. About 2 to 3 days into work, I ran into a problem where the OpenGL View was not getting any of the information from my controls (e.g., "Infantry" vs "Cavalry" or the number of companies). After working on it for several days, I finally figured out that the problem was that the view from an Xcode perspective wanted the initializer to be - (id) initWithCoder: for the view, where OpenGL wanted the initializer to be - (id) initWithFrame: for the view. I tried every variation of those two, with calls out to "super", and finally after spamming my NSLog with "self's", I realized that the view was actually getting double initialized (one with the global variables and a second without them). Once I got them both in code and called both of them - it miraculously started working and I was able to continue with making progress.


First off, having the fields disabled really helped with the workflow; however, the dialog still had "Label" in place for the Unit Type and the Move Values, and not only that but the default 3x2 Infantry Configuration was displayed in the view on the right. I went through and cleaned that up first - to make sure that when nothing was selected it looked "clean and nice".

The Desired Faction combo box is still the starting field, and the only one that is enabled at the start. Clicking on any of the others will result in no functionality. The list still contains the full set of Armies in WotR.

Once an army is selected from the Desired Faction combo box, the Desired Unit combo box is enabled and allows the selection of the company unit. All the units that have been covered on the blog so far are included in the list as well as several user defined units from SBG (as discussed in the previous post).

As soon as the Desired Unit is selected, the remaining fields begin to open up. The Unit's Type ("Infantry" vs "Cavalry") is populated based upon the selection, as well as the profile's default Move Value and the maximum number of companies that are allowed for the unit. The number of companies that are included within the formation is initially set to the maximum number of companies that are allowed for the unit (because who wants to take less than the maximum number, right). Likewise, all the checkboxes that have been implemented are now open and available to be checked as well (and as I'll show later apply the appropriate bonus to the Remaining Move Value). The "Hornblower" checkbox is currently enabled for everyone, regardless of Good/Bad affiliation (i.e., the Bad side should have a "Taskmaster" as appropriate) and the rules specify which units can support the upgrade - and that database column has not yet been added ... I suspect this will be one of the next changes that gets implemented.

The Formation Configuration combo box was disabled 3 weeks ago, but now it is enabled and is populated with the appropriate permutations based upon the current number of companies that are included within the formation (from 2 companies up to 9 companies in the formation). As seen in the image below, the formation of Feral Uruk-hai Warband has 4 companies in the formation (the maximum allowed), so as we have seen in previous posts about reconfiguration, the valid permutations of reconfiguration are 1x4 (column), 2x2 (compact1), 3x2 (compact 2), and 4x1 (line). Finally, the Expended Move Value is set to 0.00", since there has been no adjustment made to the formation's rotation or translation, yet; and the Remaining Move Value is set to the maximum Move Value Characteristic, since none of the modifiers have been checked.

As I mentioned above, when I selected the Desired Unit and the Unit Type was populated, I was expecting the OpenGL View to get the type ("Infantry" vs "Cavalry"), so that I could draw in the correct dimensions of the "tray" within the view (e.g., 110mm x 60mm for Infantry). I was also using the selection of the Formation Configuration to draw the formation in the proper configuration with the companies within their appropriate locations; however, due to the double initialization of the view, I was getting nothing but a blank view. Once things got working, I was able to draw the formation based upon selection. Below is the formation of Feral Uruk-hai Warband in 1x4 Configuration. I also made it where changing the selection of the Formation Configuration will update the view to the newly selected configuration. So as seen, the formation went from 1x4 configuration, to 3x2 configuration, and finally to 4x1 configuration.

I haven't put in the math to reconfigure the formation, yet - so as of right now, the reconfiguration costs are "free" (which will be "the way" when the "Use Vanilla WotR Move Limit Rules" is implemented and checked). Everything else is still fully functional - the formation can still rotate, and translate. One other thing that has changed is the math to calculate the distance for translational movement. The Expended Move Value used to use the full x-translation and full y-translation values for calculating - and not the resultant hypotenuse of the right triangle. This made translations usually 2x as expensive as they should have been, so the math has been updated to use the square-root of the sum of the squares. (/pushUpNerdGlasses) LOL!

Another thing you can see in the following image is the "At the Double" checkbox is checked. If you look under the view at the Remaining Move Value - you will notice that it now has been updated to include a successful "At the Double" being executed. The others perform their expected adjustment of doubling, tripling, halving, or modifying the base Move Value as appropriate.

As soon as I began testing all the implemented functionality, I quickly exposed a pretty substantial problem. I could enter the number of companies to be large than the maximum number of companies supported by the selected unit! (oops). When Update was clicked - it drew a nice 4x2 formation comprised of 6 companies ... so at least the View was accepting it - but it still didn't make sense.

In code I did a check to ensure that the entered value was not larger than the maximum number of companies that the rules specified for the unit. I made it so that when this case is entered and the Update button is clicked, then a warning dialog will pop-up that indicates that the entered value is not valid. Once the OK button is clicked on the warning dialog, then the number of companies is automatically changed back to be the maximum allowed by the unit.

Similarly, I added a check to make sure that anything less than 1 could not be entered, either. There is another warning dialog that indicates that the minimum number of companies that can be in the formation must be 1 - and if anything less than 1 is entered, when OK is clicked on the pop-up, the number of companies is then automatically changed to be 1.

Something to note about the number of companies being 1 ... Notice that there is technically no Formation Configuration associated with a single company in the formation; hence, the combo box is blanked out and disabled and the View, of course, is updated with the single company.

Similarly, when the Reset Round button (on the bottom right) was clicked, the intent of this button was to return all the checkboxes, combo boxes, number of companies and movement slider positions back to the value that was committed at the end of the previous round. If there was a substantial amount of changes that were made during the round, and the Reset Round button was accidently clicked (instead of say the End Round button - which would commit the changes for the current round), it could be really frustrating to have to recreate all the modifications again ... Because of that reason, I added a warning dialog on the button to confirm the "delete" - to make sure that this was truly the intended operation. The Cancel button doesn't make the changes, and the OK button resets everything back to the previous round's end state.

Everything else works as expected. Here are a few other screenshots of various units in various configurations:


So, there we have it. The goals that I have for the next few weeks include:
  • Hornblower/Taskmaster applicability to units based upon upgrade capabilities.
  • Add the math to do the reconfigurations
  • Add the math for rotation based upon configuration dimensions
Stay tuned, I'll post more updates as it continues along.



      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 2-3 Companies [Part 11/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised for 4 Companies [Part 12/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 5 Companies [Part 13/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 6 Companies [Part 14/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 7 Companies [Part 15/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 8 Companies [Part 16/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 9 Companies [Part 17/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 1 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 18/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 2 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 19/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 3 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 20/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Summary of Cavalry Formations by Company Size [Part 21/23]
      • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Restrictions of Reconfiguration by Formation Name Summary [Part 22/23]
      • Using WFMC to Verify Movement Examples [Part 23/23]

      Friday, March 13, 2015

      Using the SBG Profiles from Warbands & The Hobbit to Extend the WotR Army Lists with Missing Profiles - Describing the Process [Part 1/13]

      Over on there are several posts about the missing profiles that are not contained within WotR, especially with the release of Warbands for SBG (which included several new models and profiles) and after the new Hobbit miniatures and profiles for SBG were also released. In order to help fill the gaps, it would make sense to use the SBG profiles and translate them over into a WotR profile to allow us dedicated players to have more access to those models and units.

      One thing to note: This process is not an "exact science" and usually requires a little "creative liberty" to make it work; however, since we have the "formula" for calculating Unit Cost(s), it is an easy thing to crunch numbers for any "new" profile that we effectively create.

      Here is the SBG profile for Tauriel from The Desolation of Smaug book for the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game:

      First, it would make sense to have Tauriel be an Epic Hero in The Elven Kingdoms Faction within WotR. Recall that Epic Heroes in WotR only have 4 stat-line items: Fight Value, Resilience, Courage and Might. We can use the values directly from her SBG profile to begin to "fill in the gaps" for her Epic Hero Profile. 

      1. Tauriel's Fight Value from the SBG profile is a value of 6. Perfect - we can copy that directly into her WotR profile.
      2. Tauriel's Wound Value from the SBG profile is 2 and she also has a Fate Value of 3. Recall from the SBG rules that Fate can be used to "discount a wound" on a roll of 4, 5, or 6 … this means that it in essence counts as "1/2 of a Wound Point". This would imply that Tauriel would then have 3.5 Wounds = Wound Value + 1/2 (Fate Value) = 2 + 1/2 (3) = 2 + 1.5 = 3.5. Since we must have Whole Number Values for profile statistics we could assign Tauriel's Resilience Value to be either 3 or 4. Looking at the set of profiles that already exist for models, 3 is a pretty rare value to have - and 4 is nonexistent … so 3 it is.
      3. Tauriel's Courage Value from the SBG profile is a value of 6. OK - good enough, let's put that in for her WotR Courage Value.
      4. Finally, Tauriel's Might Value from SBG is 3. So we can just use that, too for her WotR Might Value.
      Cool - that worked pretty good. Let's now look at the special rules that she has:
      1. Woodland Creature - This is a special rule that all Elves have in SBG. From a WotR perspective all Elves have the Special Rules: Pathfinder (Master) and Terror. It seems like these map 1:1 from SBG to WotR. Since Tauriel is going to be an Epic Hero, she gets the "Bestow" versions of: Bestow Pathfinder (Master) and Bestow Terror.
      2. Blade Mistress - This is Tauriel's unique special rule. She should probably retain this in her Epic Hero Profile. Here is where the creative liberty is going to need to come into full effect. Reading the SBG version of the rule, we want to keep the "intent" of the rule - but put it into a WotR context.
      As for the Wargear that she possesses in her SBG profile, WotR Epic Heroes typically inherit the weapons/armor of the unit in which they are participating - and do not typically have a "Bestow"-like capability for upgrades. So we won't worry about the Elven Cloak, Armor, Elf Bow, or Daggers.

      Finally, Tauriel being an Epic Hero gains the standard set of Heroic Actions: Will of Iron, At the Double!, Heroic Move, Heroic Shoot, Heroic Charge, Heroic Fight and Heroic Duel. Also, we need to apply a "logical" set of Epic Actions to her as well.

      A good way to think about this is to consider the set of Epic Actions that already exist within the target faction and try to find opportunities to "fill the gaps" that exist. It seems like making a list of Epic Actions and then analyzing the character's role within the films also works pretty well. If you see the character constantly shooting a bow - then maybe Epic Shot is a good choice. If you see the character going "nuts" because of some "psychological complication", maybe Epic Rage is a good choice. 

      A good number to shoot for is about 3-4 Epic Actions, we don't want the Hero to become too expensive just because we want a "superhero(ine)". Try to reign in the desire to assign everything to the unit - after all, if adding the character creates a substantial unbalance when played, it will be obvious when the model is included - and will inevitability result in an annoyed opponent. Constantly keep the following thought in mind: "If I never got to play this unit - and it was regularly used against me … what would I think of it?"

      Finally, if there is something that is "really unique" to the character that is worth of Epic Stature, which does not currently have an Epic Action associated with it … then it may be a candidate for a new Epic Action. Which do-able, it is suggested that this be "the exception, not the rule" (pun somewhat intended, lol).

      Here is the complete list of Vanilla WotR Epic Actions and the typical assignee:
      • Epic Challenge - Good for Hero vs Hero types
      • Epic Channelling - Good for Magic Users
      • Epic Charge - Good for Fighter Heroes
      • Epic Cowardice - Unique to Evil Heroes (Mostly Goblins)
      • Epic Defense - Good for Heavy Armored/Shielded Heroes
      • Epic Duel - Good for Hero vs Hero types
      • Epic Intervention - Good for "Main" Race Heroes
      • Epic Journey - Unique to Aragorn
      • Epic Leadership - Good for "Main" Race Heroes
      • Epic Poison - Unique to Poison Users (Mostly Harad)
      • Epic Rage - Good for a Hero with a Need to "Go Crazy" (i.e., Lost a limb, Lost a lover, etc…)
      • Epic Rampage - Good for a "Kills Way Too Many Enemies" Hero
      • Epic Renewal - Good for a Hero that Leads or Councils Other Heroes
      • Epic Restoration - Good for a Healing Hero
      • Epic Ruination - Unique to Evil Spell Casters that have Access to Spells of Ruin
      • Epic Sacrifice - Good for a Hero that Dies (or almost dies) in the Movies
      • Epic Shot - Good for Archery Heroes
      • Epic Strength - Good for Big/Strong Heroes
      • Epic Strike - Good for Everyone
      • Epic Tranquility - Unique to Good Spell Casters
      As we saw over in the Epic Hero Special Rule Applicability Post for Elves, here are the Epic Actions that the Elves already have access to:
      • Epic Challenge
      • Epic Channelling
      • Epic Charge
      • Epic Defense
      • Epic Leadership
      • Epic Rage
      • Epic Renewal
      • Epic Restoration
      • Epic Sacrifice
      • Epic Shot
      • Epic Strike
      Let's look at the list again, mark those that already are "covered" by the list with an (*) and determine which "make sense" for Tauriel (colored green):
      • (*) Epic Challenge - Yes
      • (*) Epic Channelling - No
      • (*) Epic Charge - Yes
      •      Epic Cowardice - No
      • (*) Epic Defense - No
      •      Epic Duel - Yes
      •      Epic Intervention - No
      •      Epic Journey - No
      • (*) Epic Leadership - No
      •      Epic Poison - No
      • (*) Epic Rage - Yes
      •      Epic Rampage - Yes
      • (*) Epic Renewal - No
      • (*) Epic Restoration - No
      •      Epic Ruination - No
      • (*) Epic Sacrifice - No
      • (*) Epic Shot - Yes
      •      Epic Strength - No
      • (*) Epic Strike - Yes
      •      Epic Tranquility - No
      Let's give her Epic Duel, Epic Rage and Epic Strike. She will then cover a new Epic Hero Ability with Epic Duel, her Epic Rage fits well with the movie's Star-crossed Lovers with Kili, and as a Duelist Epic Strike is always useful.

      Now we can use the equation to calculate her Cost. Whew, this is digging WAY back in the list of posts …

       Based upon the profile for the Epic Hero Tauriel:
      • Cst = 10 (Epic)
      • F = 6
      • R = 3
      • C = 6
      • Mt = 3
      • Ar = 0 (Epic Hero)
      • XWpn = 0 (Epic Hero)
      • SpR = 6 (Bestow Pathfinders (Master), Bestow Terror, Blade Mistress, Epic Strike, Epic Rage, and Epic Duel) - [Remember that the Heroic Actions are "free".]
      Plugging all this into the equation gives:

      COST OF HERO PROFILE = {[(Cst)*5]+[(F-4)*5]+[(R-2)*5]+[(C-4)*5]+[(Mt-2)*10]+[(Ar)*5]+[(XWpn)*5]+[(SpR)*10]}

      = {[(10)*5]+[(6-4)*5]+[(3-2)*5]+[(6-4)*5]+[(3-2)*10]+[(0)*5]+[(0)*5]+[(6)*10]}
      = {[50]+[(2)*5]+[(1)*5]+[(2)*5]+[(1)*10]+[0]+[0]+[60]}
      = {[50]+[10]+[5]+[10]+[10]+[0]+[0]+[60]}
      = 145

      This gives 145 Points for this profile.

      Putting it all together, here is what her profile would look like:

      That's pretty cool - and exciting, too! I can't wait to get her into a formation of Wood Elves and see how she works out!


      1. Describing the Process [Part 1/13]
      2. Creating the Full List of Needed Profiles and Assigning WotR Armies [Part 2/13]
        1. Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Good Armies [Part 2a/13]
        2. Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Evil Armies [Part 2b/13]
      3. Extending the Gondor & Arnor List [Part 3/13]
      4. Extending The Kingdom of Rohan List [Part 4/13]
      5. Extending The Elven Kingdoms List [Part 5/13]
      6. Extending The Dwarf Holds List [Part 6/13]
        1. Sneak Peak at the Profiles for Thorin [Part 6a/13]
        2. Common Formations [Part 6b/13]
        3. Legendary Formations [Part 6c/13]
        4. Epic Heroes [Part 6d/13]
      7. Creating The City of Dale List [Part 7/13]
      8. Extending The Forgotten Kingdoms List [Part 8/13]
      9. Extending the Mordor List [Part 9/13]
      10. Extending The Fortress of Isengard List [Part 10/13]
      11. Extending The Misty Mountains (Moria) List [Part 11/13]
      12. Extending The Fallen Realms List [Part 12/13]
      13. Extending the Angmar List [Part 13/13]
        1. Common and Rare Formations [Part 13a/13]
        2. Legendary Formations [Part 13b/13]
        3. Epic Heroes [Part 13c/13]

          Friday, March 6, 2015

          WotR Formation Movement Calculator - Update … Progress Still Being Made [Part 2/11]

          Over the last two weeks I've been able to make some more progress with the calculator. I'm affectionately calling it the WFMC, probably due to the fact that my "real work" has an acronym for EVERYTHING (lol).


          Here is a screenshot of WFMC as it existed last week on the 23rd of February 2015. It has been another week and a half and I've had about 1 hour an evening to continue to try to make more headway - so I am rather pleased with the progress that has occurred considering return on time invested.

          As you can see, we had a selector for the list of 10 Factions within WotR and then the dependent list of units within the selected Faction. We also had a generic cube that was rendered in OpenGL that responded to rotating and translation. The three sliders on the left controlled the movement of the cube "formation"; the top one handled rotation from -180deg to +180deg, the middle one handled translation in the horizontal direction, and the top one handled translation in the vertical direction. It wasn't calculating any expended move distances yet and in fact it had a hard-coded remaining move value that didn't adjust. Finally, all the controls on the dialog are enabled all the time and there is no implied workflow to using the calculator.


          Here is a screenshot of how it currently looks. I realize that it is getting a little crowded with things on the GUI - but my first intention is to get it working first and sexy second.

          First thing you should notice is that everything is now greyed out. This forces the workflow from top to bottom. Meaning that the user will need to first select a Faction, which then in turn enables the Desired Unit Combo Box.

          Once a Unit is selected from the desired Faction - it then effectively opens up the remaining implemented controls. It populates the Unit's Type (Infantry vs Cavalry) and the Unit's Move value and the Number of companies in the formation. 

          Right now, I have a static 6 number of companies per unit and haven't updated the data within the database to have the "proper" maximum number of companies allowed in the formation. As you can see in the OpenGL View, I've also changed the generic box into a properly scaled Formation (the companies are each 110 x 60) comprised of the current number of specified companies in the formation (in this case again 6). Notice that the reference coordinates also are positioned in effect similar to the formation's "front", so that visually it is easier to identify the effect of the rotation on the formation. Also look at the Expended and Remaining Move Values. That is associated with the Unit's Move Value that is returned from the selected Unit and additionally with the movement modifiers that can adjust the Unit's Move Value either up or down. I originally had 4 movement modifier checkboxes: 1) At the Double!, 2) Heroic Move, 3) Enemy Upon Us, and 4) Difficult Terrain. I've added placeholder checkboxes for effectively including a Hornblower (or Drummer as appropriate) and also for taking into consideration special rules that may affect movement of a formation (i.e., Spirit Walk).

          As shown above, as you rotate and translate the formation the expended move value is calculated in real time and the remaining move value shows when the maximum value has been exceeded. Obviously for a unit like the Hobbit Militia with a Move Value of 4", without performing an "At the Double!" or a Heroic Move - or including a Hornblower for that matter really limits the effective movement that can be executed.

          As of last night it donned on me that the tool may be more intuitively useable if the movement was Vector Based instead of Cartesian Movement Based. In other words, after rotating the formation the second scroll bar would provide "side-to-side" movement relative to the current rotation (i.e., move along the new +/- x'-axis instead of the static original horizontal axis) and the third scroll bar would provide "forward/backward" movement relative to the current rotation (i.e., it would move along the new +/- y'-axis instead of the static original vertical axis). I figure that this will "help" with the translational movement a lot more.

          I also thought that not everyone will necessarily want to use the house rule for rotation, so why not allow for an option to turn that off - and effectively provide the functionality for using the "Vanilla WotR Move Limit Rules" where rotation doesn't contribute to the Expended Move Value, only Translation relative to the origination points of the corners of the formation. This will likely be a Phase 3 "nice-to-have" implementation after I get the original set of User Stories implemented and tested.

          Likewise, I also assumed that having an alpha (ghosted) formation that shows the original position of the Formation would be useful for providing the reference orientation/displacement; and finally, I put in a placeholder checkbox for showing reference lines so that the calculator can effectively "show" you how to position your formation after movement. Maybe it will be something similar to this:

          I think that the next steps for this upcoming week will be to update the database with the "correct" company limits for formations and also provide the capability to reconfigure the formation with the appropriate move costs - I suspect that that will be a big leap forward for functional use-ability of the application.



            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 2-3 Companies [Part 11/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised for 4 Companies [Part 12/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 5 Companies [Part 13/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 6 Companies [Part 14/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 7 Companies [Part 15/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 8 Companies [Part 16/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 9 Companies [Part 17/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 1 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 18/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 2 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 19/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 3 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 20/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Summary of Cavalry Formations by Company Size [Part 21/23]
            • Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Restrictions of Reconfiguration by Formation Name Summary [Part 22/23]
            • Using WFMC to Verify Movement Examples [Part 23/23]

                  Wednesday, March 4, 2015

                  The Kingdom of Rohan Epic Hero Special Rule Applicability [Part 2/10]

                  Next up is the Kingdom of Rohan's Epic Hero List. It appears that within the list for Rohan there are quite a few rules that adjust dice counts and rolls and duels. Here's the applicability list:

                  There we have it ... If we look at the applicability column, it is interesting to see that the following spread exists:
                  • Only the Hero - 9/28
                  • Hero's Company - 1/28
                  • Hero's Formation - 14/28
                  • Target Enemy - 2/28
                  • All Friendly Formations within Range - 2/28
                  This would appear that Rohan's Epic Hero Special Rule are targeted to formation wide applicability - this is good for paying the cost of an Epic Hero, I guess.

                  Something else to note is that the Kingdom of Rohan Epic Heroes do not have any "Bestow" special rules. I guess they don't have anything special to "teach" others ... but wouldn't you think that at least they could Bestow Expert Rider?

                  1. Gondor & Arnor Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 1/10]
                  2. The Kingdom of Rohan Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 2/10]
                  3. The Elven Kingdoms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 3/10]
                  4. The Dwarf Holds Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 4/10]
                  5. The Forgotten Kingdoms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 5/10]
                  6. Mordor Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 6/10]
                  7. The Fortress of Isengard Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 7/10]
                  8. The Misty Mountains (Moria) Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 8/10]
                  9. The Fallen Realms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 9/10]
                  10. Angmar Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 10/10]