- Movement Types and Reconfiguration Series
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Translational and Rotational Movement [Part 1/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 2-3 Companies [Part 2/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 4 Companies [Part 3/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 5 Companies [Part 4/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 6 Companies [Part 5/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 7 Companies [Part 6/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 8 Companies [Part 7/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Infantry Formations Comprised of 9 Companies [Part 8/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Summary of Infantry Formations by Company Size [Part 9/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Infantry Restrictions of Reconfiguration by Formation Name Summary [Part 10/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 2-3 Companies [Part 11/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised for 4 Companies [Part 12/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 5 Companies [Part 13/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 6 Companies [Part 14/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 7 Companies [Part 15/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 8 Companies [Part 16/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Movement of Cavalry Formations Comprised of 9 Companies [Part 17/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 1 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 18/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 2 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 19/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Movement Example 3 from Page 33 of WotR Rulebook Analysis [Part 20/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Reconfiguration Summary of Cavalry Formations by Company Size [Part 21/23]
- Movement Types and Limits Series - Cavalry Restrictions of Reconfiguration by Formation Name Summary [Part 22/23]
- Using WFMC to verify the Movement Examples from the Rulebook [Part 23/23]
- War of the Ring Formation Movement Calculator (WFMC) Application Written & Progress Status
- Work in Progress [Part 1/12]
- Update ... Progress still being Made [Part 2/12]
- WFMC Continuing to Come Together [Part 3/12]
- Formations Look Like REAL Formations and Groundwork for Reconfig Costs Put in Place [Part 4/12]
- Load Previous Data & Reconfig Costs/Restrictions [Part 5/12]
- Fixed Expended Move Costs Round-to-Round and Added Color to the Reconfiguration Combo Box [Part 6/12]
- Movement Modifier Checkboxes Work Properly and Zoom Capability [Part 7/12]
- Implementing the Options for Rotation [Part 8/12]
- Calculating the Translation Distance for Vanilla WotR Rules of Movement [Part 9a/12]
- Calculating the Translation Distance for Vanilla WotR Rules of Movement (Continued) [Part 9b/12]
- Starting the Implementation of the Mobile Version on iPhone/iPad [Part 10/12]
- Continuing to Implement the Mobile Version on iPhone/iPad [Part 11/12]
- TBD [Part 12/12]
- WFMC Mobile
- Art for WMFC Mobile
- Art for Gondor and Arnor Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 1/11]
- Art for Kingdom of Rohan Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 2/11]
- Art for Elven Kingdoms Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 3/11]
- Art for Dwarf Holds Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 4/11]
- Art for Forgotten Kingdoms Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 5/11]
- Art for Mordor Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 6/11]
- Art for Fortress of Isengard Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 7/11]
- Art for Misty Mountains Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 8/11]
- Art for Fallen Realms Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 9/11]
- Art for Angmar Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 10/11]
- Art for City of Dale Companies and Formations of Various Supported Types [Part 11/11]
- Action Resolution Order Series
- Preview of Action Resolution Order - Work in Progress [Part 1/7]
- Overview of Resolution Order & Pre-game Actions [Part 1/6]
- Priority Phase Actions [Part 2/7]
- Move Phase Actions [Part 3/7]
- Shoot Phase Actions [Part 4/7]
- Charge Phase Actions [Part 5/7]
- Fight Phase Actions [Part 6/7]
- Hard to Kill Series
- Overview of the Problem [Part 1/5]
- Hard to Kill! Rule [Part 2/5]
- Very Hard to Kill! Rule [Part 3/5]
- Extremely Hard to Kill! Rule [Part 4/5]
- Ridiculously Hard to Kill! Rule [Part 5/5]
- Army Unit Cost Analysis Posts - Point Normalization
- Gondor & Arnor Warriors [Part 1a/10]
- Gondor & Arnor Heroes [Part 1b/10]
- The Kingdom of Rohan Unit Cost Analysis [Part 2/10]
- The Elven Kingdoms Unit Cost Analysis [Part 3/10]
- The Dwarf Holds Unit Cost Analysis [Part 4/10]
- The Forgotten Kingdoms Unit Cost Analysis [Part 5/10]
- Mordor Unit Cost Analysis [Part 6/10]
- The Fortress of Isengard Unit Cost Analysis [Part 7/10]
- The Misty Mountains (Moria) Unit Cost Analysis [Part 8/10]
- The Fallen Realms Unit Cost Analysis [Part 9/10]
- Angmar Unit Cost Analysis [Part 10/10]
- Epic Hero Special Rule Applicability to Companies and Formations
- Gondor & Arnor Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 1/10]
- The Kingdom of Rohan Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 2/10]
- The Elven Kingdoms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 3/10]
- The Dwarf Holds Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 4/10]
- The Forgotten Kingdoms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 5/10]
- Mordor Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 6/10]
- The Fortress of Isengard Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 7/10]
- The Misty Mountains (Moria) Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 8/10]
- The Fallen Realms Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 9/10]
- Angmar Epic Heroes' Special Rules [Part 10/10]
- Updates to the Rules for Magic in WotR
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Dismay [Part 1/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Command [Part 2/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Wilderness [Part 3/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Ruin [Part 4/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Darkness [Part 5/7]
- New Epic Abilities for Spell Caster Upgrades [Part 6/7]
- How to combine spells effectively [Part 7/7]
- Using the SBG Profiles from SBG, Warbands, Hobbit 1, 2, & 3 to Extend the WotR Army Lists with Missing Profiles
- Describing the Process [Part 1/13]
- Creating the Full List of Needed Profiles and Assigning WotR Armies [Part 2/13]
- Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Good Armies [Part 2a/13]
- Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Evil Armies [Part 2b/13]
- Extending the Gondor & Arnor List [Part 3/13]
- Extending The Kingdom of Rohan List [Part 4/13]
- Extending The Elven Kingdoms List [Part 5/13]
- Extending The Dwarf Holds List [Part 6/13]
- Sneak Peek at the Profiles for Thorin [Part 6a/13]
- Common Formations [Part 6b/13]
- Legendary Formations [Part 6c/13]
- Epic Heroes [Part 6d/13]
- Creating The City of Dale List [Part 7/13]
- Extending The Forgotten Kingdoms List [Part 8/13]
- Extending the Mordor List [Part 9/13]
- Extending The Fortress of Isengard List [Part 10/13]
- Extending The Misty Mountains (Moria) List [Part 11/13]
- Extending The Fallen Realms List [Part 12/13]
- Extending the Angmar List [Part 13/13]
- Common and Rare Formations [Part 13a/13]
- Legendary Formations [Part 13b/13]
- Epic Heroes [Part 13c/13]
- The Shoot Phase Series
- Charging Range and Probability Series
- Infantry Formations [Part 1/4]
- Cavalry Formations [Part 2/4]
- Monsters [Part 3/4]
- Flying Monsters [Part 4/4]
- Fortunes, Fates, Artifacts and Relics - Uses & Cost Revamp
- Athelas, Indomnitable Defiance, & Seat of Ancient Power [Part 1/24]
- Orcbane Weapons, Manbane Weapons, Goblinbane Weapons, & Elfbane Weapons [Part 2/24]
- Spiritbane Weapons, Hobbitbane Weapons, Dwarfbane Weapons, & Trollbane Weapons [Part 3/24]
- Dragonbane Weapons, Wargbane Weapons, Cavalrybane Weapons, & Monsterbane Weapons [Part 4/24]
- Steeds of Pure Blood, Fate Smiles Upon You, Galadhrim Longbows, & Hero of the Hour [Part 5/24]
- Mithril Coat, Untainted Palantir, Banner of the Free People, & Desperate Heroics [Part 6/24]
- Inner Glory, Song of Elbereth, The Blessing of Galadriel, & Wise Counsel [Part 7/24]
- Ancient Lore, Counter Spell, Forgotten Fortifications, Dragonslayer & Monsterslayer [Part 8/24]
- Magical Resistance & Blessed Grove [Part 9/24]
- Morgul Blades, Dark Shrine, & Entslayer [Part 10/24]
- Greed for Glory, Cursed Armor of Udun, Tainted Palantir, & Banner of Barad-dur [Part 11/24]
- Faltering Nerve, Sigil of the Fallen Kings, The Crown of Carn Dum & There Will be no Dawn [Part 12/24]
- There Will be no Dawn, Evil Reputation, Tormented Steeds, & Balefire Arrows [Part 13/24]
- Black-hearted Trees, Curse of Morgoth, Tokens of Terror, & Haunted Wasteland [Part 14/24]
- Infestation, Watcher in the Shadows, & Ignore Pain [Part 15/24]
- TBD [Part 16/24]
- TBD [Part 17/24]
- TBD [Part 18/24]
- TBD [Part 19/24]
- TBD [Part 20/24]
- Weapon Cache: Bows and Weapon Cache: Pikes [Part 21/24]
- TBD [Part 22/24]
- Analyzing Battlehosts Costs
- Gondor & Arnor Battlehosts
- Rohan Battlehosts
- Elves Battlehosts
- Dwarves Battlehosts
- Forgotten Kingdoms Battlehosts
- Mordor Battlehosts
- The Fortress of Isengard Battlehosts
- Moria Battlehosts
- The Fallen Realms Battlehosts
- Angmar Battlehosts
- Battlehost Fates
- Battlehost Fortunes
- Other Random Posts
- Blog Introduction
- GW WotR Unit Cost Controversy
- What About Banners and Hornblowers in Profiles?
- Legendary Formations and Their Point Costs
- The "About Face!" Errata - More Game Changing than Expected
- What Would a WotR Blog be without a Discussion of Epic Strike?!?
- WotR Army Roster Sheet - Available for Download
- WotR Army Roster Example 1000 Point Gondor Army
- Ideas for iPad Simulator of WotR
- Downloads
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Table of Contents
Extending the Dwarf Holds with Missing Profiles - Common Formations [Part 6b/13]
The next Army List to be extended is The Dwarf Holds. Recall from Part 2/12 that the set of missing profiles for the Dwarf Holds Army List included the following:
It turns out that due the number of changes that are included in the updates to the Dwarves one post would be too large to attempt to cover everything, so to mitigate that to some degree I've split it up into multiple sub-parts. The first part was technically the "sneak peak" for Thorin's profiles (by the way, they have since been finalized). This part will deal with the Common Formations that have been added and the minor changes that have been updated. The third part will be the new Legendary formations and finally the forth part will cover a sub-set of the Epic Heroes.
Might as well get on with it ...
As mentioned above, the Dwarves are intended to be the slow but hard "tanks" of an Army List. To allow for this to be accomplished, we have given the majority of the common formations an ability to "upgrade" their armor to be more robust. Here is an example of Dwarves that are wearing Standard Armor in their profile - and now have the ability to up to Heavy Armor or Mithril Armor (this could be an upgrade that would make the dwarves more apt to tackle that Dragon head-on):
The Dwarves within Vanilla WotR are initially armed with Two-Handed weapons. We have changed it to make the profile easier to read - and to be consistent with other profiles to start them with Shields and allow them to exchange their shields for Two-handed weapons for free as an Upgrade Option. Also, as mentioned above, the new upgrade options for Heavy Armor and Mithril Armor are also available to the formation. The Shieldbearer has been given his new rules to make him more of a viable hero and the Dwarf King has also been added as a command hero (with the "now standard" Heroic Strike Special Rule that Kings have seemed to acquire across factions). All-in-all, I think that this has finally made the dwarves a great core unit ... adding in an Epic Hero with Bestow Pathfinder (Mountain) and possibly Bestow Terror - with their upgrade to Mithril Armor - and 6 companies strong ... they could be a real scary force to recon with, now!
The Erebor Warrior Kinband is a rather straight forward core unit of Dwarves - with the exception that they are armed with Pikes.
Due to their anti-Cavalry charge equipment they do not get the upgrade option for armor, but I am sure they are more then capable then holding their own.

The Pick Hammers of the Grim Hammers is very reminiscent of the Mob Rule special rule that evil rank-and-file armies have (i.e., Goblins and Orcs). This will allow them to be more effective in spite of their smaller Company Size Limits (4). Combined with the +1 to hit from their Two-handed weapons, this small but destructive force will bring down some major damage!
There we have it for the Common Formations - after Thanksgiving we will get into the other parts, so stay tuned!
- Thorin Oakenshield
- Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain
- Dwalin the Dwarf
- Dwalin, Champion of Erebor
- Balin the Dwarf
- Balin, Champion of Erebor
- Dori the Dwarf
- Dori, Champion of Erebor
- Nori the Dwarf
- Nori, Champion of Erebor
- Ori the Dwarf
- Ori, Champion of Erebor
- Oin the Dwarf
- Oin, Champion of Erebor
- Gloin the Dwarf
- Gloin, Champion of Erebor
- Bifur the Dwarf
- Bifur, Champion of Erebor
- Bofur the Dwarf
- Bofur, Champion of Erebor
- Bombur the Dwarf
- Bombur, Champion of Erebor
- Fili the Dwarf
- Fili, Champion of Erebor
- Kili the Dwarf
- Kili, Champion of Erebor
- King Thror
- King Thrain
- Erebor Warrior Kinband
- Grim Hammer Kinband
- Thorin's Company
- Thrain the Broken
- The King's Herald
- Dwarf King
It turns out that due the number of changes that are included in the updates to the Dwarves one post would be too large to attempt to cover everything, so to mitigate that to some degree I've split it up into multiple sub-parts. The first part was technically the "sneak peak" for Thorin's profiles (by the way, they have since been finalized). This part will deal with the Common Formations that have been added and the minor changes that have been updated. The third part will be the new Legendary formations and finally the forth part will cover a sub-set of the Epic Heroes.
Might as well get on with it ...
As mentioned above, the Dwarves are intended to be the slow but hard "tanks" of an Army List. To allow for this to be accomplished, we have given the majority of the common formations an ability to "upgrade" their armor to be more robust. Here is an example of Dwarves that are wearing Standard Armor in their profile - and now have the ability to up to Heavy Armor or Mithril Armor (this could be an upgrade that would make the dwarves more apt to tackle that Dragon head-on):
Furthermore, the Shieldbearer has always been a rather "boring" command hero - We have upped his special rules to be more in line of a worthy hero and increased his point cost accordingly.
- Dwarf Warrior Kinband
The Dwarves within Vanilla WotR are initially armed with Two-Handed weapons. We have changed it to make the profile easier to read - and to be consistent with other profiles to start them with Shields and allow them to exchange their shields for Two-handed weapons for free as an Upgrade Option. Also, as mentioned above, the new upgrade options for Heavy Armor and Mithril Armor are also available to the formation. The Shieldbearer has been given his new rules to make him more of a viable hero and the Dwarf King has also been added as a command hero (with the "now standard" Heroic Strike Special Rule that Kings have seemed to acquire across factions). All-in-all, I think that this has finally made the dwarves a great core unit ... adding in an Epic Hero with Bestow Pathfinder (Mountain) and possibly Bestow Terror - with their upgrade to Mithril Armor - and 6 companies strong ... they could be a real scary force to recon with, now!
- Erebor Warrior Kinband
- Grim Hammer Kinband
The Erebor Warrior Kinband is a rather straight forward core unit of Dwarves - with the exception that they are armed with Pikes.
Due to their anti-Cavalry charge equipment they do not get the upgrade option for armor, but I am sure they are more then capable then holding their own.
The Pick Hammers of the Grim Hammers is very reminiscent of the Mob Rule special rule that evil rank-and-file armies have (i.e., Goblins and Orcs). This will allow them to be more effective in spite of their smaller Company Size Limits (4). Combined with the +1 to hit from their Two-handed weapons, this small but destructive force will bring down some major damage!
There we have it for the Common Formations - after Thanksgiving we will get into the other parts, so stay tuned!
- Describing the Process [Part 1/13]
- Creating the Full List of Needed Profiles and Assigning WotR Armies [Part 2/13]
- Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Good Armies [Part 2a/13]
- Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Evil Armies [Part 2b/13]
- Extending the Gondor & Arnor List [Part 3/13]
- Extending The Kingdom of Rohan List [Part 4/13]
- Extending The Elven Kingdoms List [Part 5/13]
- Extending The Dwarf Holds List [Part 6/13]
- Sneak Peak at the Profiles for Thorin [Part 6a/13]
- Common Formations [Part 6b/13]
- Legendary Formations [Part 6c/13]
- Epic Heroes [Part 6d/13]
- Creating The City of Dale List [Part 7/13]
- Extending The Forgotten Kingdoms List [Part 8/13]
- Extending the Mordor List [Part 9/13]
- Extending The Fortress of Isengard List [Part 10/13]
- Extending The Misty Mountains (Moria) List [Part 11/13]
- Extending The Fallen Realms List [Part 12/13]
- Extending the Angmar List [Part 13/13]
- Common and Rare Formations [Part 13a/13]
- Legendary Formations [Part 13b/13]
- Epic Heroes [Part 13c/13]
Army Building,
Command Company,
Epic Actions,
Epic Heroes,
Heroic Actions,
Special Rules,
Strategy Battle Game,
Unit Cost,
Monday, November 9, 2015
Extending the Dwarf Holds with Missing Profiles - Sneak Peek at the Profiles for Thorin [Part 6a/13]
I know that everyone is getting excited about the Dwarves updates getting published, so I figured that I would give a highlight to Thorin's profiles (so to give everyone a little taste of what is to come)!
I really like this version of Thorin, too. There is nothing that says that each Dwarf Hero MUST have Bestow Pathfinder (Mountains) - so to save a few points, it wasn't added. Plus he has the "anti-Azog" flair that was intended with this profile, as well.
As you can see, Thorin Oakenshield is a great addition to the Dwarf Army List! The dwarves are now more resilient and can wreck havoc on basically all the enemy races.
I really like this version of Thorin, too. There is nothing that says that each Dwarf Hero MUST have Bestow Pathfinder (Mountains) - so to save a few points, it wasn't added. Plus he has the "anti-Azog" flair that was intended with this profile, as well.
- Describing the Process [Part 1/13]
- Creating the Full List of Needed Profiles and Assigning WotR Armies [Part 2/13]
- Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Good Armies [Part 2a/13]
- Status Update for Progress on Profile Creation and Army List Document Writing - Evil Armies [Part 2b/13]
- Extending the Gondor & Arnor List [Part 3/13]
- Extending The Kingdom of Rohan List [Part 4/13]
- Extending The Elven Kingdoms List [Part 5/13]
- Extending The Dwarf Holds List [Part 6/13]
- Sneak Peak at the Profiles for Thorin [Part 6a/13]
- Common Formations [Part 6b/13]
- Legendary Formations [Part 6c/13]
- Epic Heroes [Part 6d/13]
- Creating The City of Dale List [Part 7/13]
- Extending The Forgotten Kingdoms List [Part 8/13]
- Extending the Mordor List [Part 9/13]
- Extending The Fortress of Isengard List [Part 10/13]
- Extending The Misty Mountains (Moria) List [Part 11/13]
- Extending The Fallen Realms List [Part 12/13]
- Extending the Angmar List [Part 13/13]
- Common and Rare Formations [Part 13a/13]
- Legendary Formations [Part 13b/13]
- Epic Heroes [Part 13c/13]
Thursday, November 5, 2015
WotR Magic - New Epic Abilities for Spell Caster Upgrades [Part 6/7]
Anyone who has played with an Evil Spellcaster has probably come across the Epic Ability Epic Ruination when using Saruman, The Necromancer, Sauron, or Kardush the Firecaller. This ability is used in conjunction with the Spells of Ruin to improve the potency of those spells for an Epic Hero (or Legendary Formation that is of Epic Stature). Here is how the Ability reads for the Spells of Ruin:
So, the logical question to follow after reviewing this Epic Ability is: Why do the Spells of Ruin have an Epic Upgraded Ability, but none of the other Magic Disciplines get the same love?
Well - the time has come to reveal those new Epic Abilities and finally fill that gap.
The means by which we determine if a Hero can have an upgrade and how much it will cost is pretty straight forward. The general rule is that if the Hero is an Epic Hero (or Legendary Formation) that has access to a Magic Discipline and is of substantial visibility within the Film or Books then they should qualify for the Upgrade Option to allow the new Epic Abilities. Following the formula for Epic Abilities, they cost 10 Points per Ability for the Epic Hero - so, we've set the price as such.
Furthermore, in order to not impact the set of rules that we have already taken so much time to balance and provide baseline points for - we make them an Upgrade Option, which means that they are not a standard included Epic Action, but must be purchased in order to be used. If you look at the Post for Mordor, you will see that there are the profiles for the Witch-King and the Necromancer that include the Upgrade Options.
Here are some of the candidates for the new Epic Abilities that may be included in upcoming updates:
So, the logical question to follow after reviewing this Epic Ability is: Why do the Spells of Ruin have an Epic Upgraded Ability, but none of the other Magic Disciplines get the same love?
Well - the time has come to reveal those new Epic Abilities and finally fill that gap.
The means by which we determine if a Hero can have an upgrade and how much it will cost is pretty straight forward. The general rule is that if the Hero is an Epic Hero (or Legendary Formation) that has access to a Magic Discipline and is of substantial visibility within the Film or Books then they should qualify for the Upgrade Option to allow the new Epic Abilities. Following the formula for Epic Abilities, they cost 10 Points per Ability for the Epic Hero - so, we've set the price as such.
Furthermore, in order to not impact the set of rules that we have already taken so much time to balance and provide baseline points for - we make them an Upgrade Option, which means that they are not a standard included Epic Action, but must be purchased in order to be used. If you look at the Post for Mordor, you will see that there are the profiles for the Witch-King and the Necromancer that include the Upgrade Options.
Here are some of the candidates for the new Epic Abilities that may be included in upcoming updates:
- The Necromancer
- Ringwraiths
- The Witch-King
- Gandalf
- Saruman
- Sauron
- Radagast
- Gandalf
- Galadriel
- Elrond
- Saruman
- Radagast
- Elrond
- Thranduil
- Arwen
- The Necromancer
- Ringwraiths
- The Witch-King
- Sauron
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Dismay [Part 1/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Command [Part 2/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Wilderness [Part 3/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Ruin [Part 4/7]
- Updates to the Rules for the Spells of Darkness [Part 5/7]
- New Epic Abilities for Spell Caster Upgrades [Part 6/7]
- How to combine spells effectively [Part 7/7]
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